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June 08, 2015 - June 28, 2015

This training introduces remote sensing resources available for monitoring extreme precipitation and flooding as well as flood mapping tools for flood management and planning.

Cite This Training

(2015). ARSET - NASA Remote Sensing Observations for Flood Management. NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET).

Individuals in local, regional, state, federal, and international organizations, NGOs, and other applied professionals interested in flood management.

Course Format
  • Four 1-hour sessions
Session 1: NASA Remote Sensing Data for Flood Management and an Intro to Flood Monitoring Tools

An overview of the ARSET program, advantages of remote sensing observations, fundamentals of remote sensing and an overview of remote sensing observations for flood monitoring and flood monitoring tools. View the Recording

Session 2: Overview of TRMM-based Flood Monitoring Tools

An overview of TRMM and GPM and TRMM-based flood tools. View the Recording

Session 3: Regional Flood Management Over Africa & Demonstration of MODIS-based Inundation Mapping

An overview of SERVIR: 'Connecting Space to Village,' an overview of MODIS near real-time global flood mapping, Dartmouth Flood Observatory, and a demonstration of MODIS NRT. View the Recording

Session 4: Floodplain Management of the Mekong River, Demonstration of Select Flooding Cases Using Multiple Web Tools and GIS

Applying remote sensing for improved flood management, a demonstration of select flood cases using multiple web-based tools and GIS, and a course summary. View the Recording »

Registration Information

This webinar is free, but you must register to view the recording.


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