Aircraft inject exhaust particles and water vapor into the upper atmosphere that can produce persistent """condensation trails"""" (contrails) capable of altering the atmosphere's radiative balance and contributing to global warming. The IPCC's recent report, """"Mitigation of Climate Change"""", suggests that aviation may contribute 2-8% of all anthropogenic radiative forcing, with 35-70% of that total from jet contrails and associated cirrus cloud enhancement. The Next Generation Air Transportation System Integrated Work Plan (NextGen IWP), recognizing the need for technologies to mitigate such impacts, has called for the development of models that can provide a """"consolidated probabilistic environmental forecast...of the sensitivity of atmospheric volumes to exhaust emissions."""" A gridded probabilistic forecast of susceptibility to contrail production and cirrus enhancement would help address this goal, enabling route and altitude selection to mi nimize negative environmental impacts. Unfortunately, attempts to develop a contrail prediction model based on exhaust constituents and environmental conditions have so far shown only modest skill. Evidence from simulation studies and observations suggests that turbulence contributes to both mixing that enhances contrail ice content and contrail dissipation. Thus, incorporating atmospheric turbulence intensity might substantially improve contrail formation and dissipation models. This possibility will be investigated by using data sets and research results from studies funded by the FAA and earlier NASA grants supporting turbulence forecast development and validation. These existing data sets will be used to develop and verify an improved contrail forecast model that includes the effects of turbulence and ice microphysics. If the feasibility study results are positive, a follow-on project will be proposed to develop an operational 24x7 contrail decision support system in support of NextGen requirements. This proposal addresses a highlighted subject area for the ROSES """"weather"""" application program area, and complements the broader goals for climate and regional decision-making under the """"climate"""" program area.