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Start Date: Aug. 14, 2024
Type: Hurricanes & CyclonesFloodsLandslides  
Region: North America

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On Aug, 14, 2024, Tropical Storm Ernesto brought heavy precipitation to Puerto Rico, causing flooding, landslides, and power outages. The Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust, working in collaboration with Puerto Rico Emergency Management Bureau and George Mason University, reached out to NASA's Disasters Response Coordination System (DRCS) to request assistance with geospatial assets to help identify affected areas, assess damage, and support emergency management and response operations relating to flooding, landslides, and power outages. The Caribbean Center for Rising Seas also reached out to the NASA DRCS for assistance. 


This true color imagery from the VIIRS instrument onboard NASA's MODIS satellite shows Hurricane Ernesto on Aug. 14. 2024, as it passed over Puerto Rico. Credit: NASA Worldview