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Jacob Reed, NASA Disasters

NASA officials have announced that NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, will be home to the program office for the agency’s Disaster Response Coordination System (DRCS). Scheduled to become active later this year, the DRCS will leverage NASA expertise and resources to support operational disaster response organizations in the U.S. and around the world.

The DRCS will be a new element of NASA’s Earth Science Applied Sciences Disasters program area, enhancing and expanding upon its existing disaster response capabilities. The Disasters program area uses Earth observing data and applied science to reduce disaster risk, support disaster response and recovery, and build resilient communities around the world.

While the DRCS program office will be located at NASA Langley, its members will work closely with colleagues from NASA centers across the U.S. When disasters strike, the DRCS will leverage cutting-edge NASA science and technology with cross-center collaboration and partnerships to provide actionable information to those who need it most.

Read the full announcement: NASA Langley Named Home for Disaster Coordination Program Office


The Gonaïves area of Haiti, flooded by Hurricane Tomas. Credits: UN Photo/UNICEF/Marco Dormino
The Gonaïves area of Haiti, flooded by Hurricane Tomas. Credits: UN Photo/UNICEF/Marco Dormino

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