Scaling up a crop insurance program in Kenya. Improving drought resilience and flood forecasts in the Mekong region. Training more than 8,400 individuals to use satellite data to make a real difference on Earth.
These are just a few examples of the many achievements found in the recently published SERVIR Global Report 2020.
The report focuses on SERVIR's work in 2019-2020. It spotlights various examples of how the program equips decision-makers in South America, West Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa, the Hindu Kush Himalaya and Lower Mekong regions with satellite data to address local challenges. The report also shares SERVIR’s commitment to gender inclusion, highlights its collaborating scientists and partnerships and shares information about regional hubs and networks.
SERVIR is a joint development initiative of NASA and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and is part of the Applied Sciences Program Capacity Building program area. SERVIR works with leading regional organizations worldwide and supports regional, national and local partners in developing skills to better address critical issues like food security, water resources, disasters, land use and climate change.
Over the next decade, SERVIR aims to accomplish three goals: strengthen regional and national capacity and commitment, demonstrate greater impact of its services and enhance its network’s global leadership and influence.
These goals bring SERVIR one step closer to its overarching mission of empowering regional and national decision-makers with Earth science to improve life on our home planet.
The full Global Report 2020 can be found at the SERVIR website.