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October 06, 2015 - October 08, 2015

This course provided presentations and hands-on activities about NASA remote sensing missions that are relevant to wildfire applications.


(2015). ARSET - Introduction to Remote Sensing for Wildfire Applications. NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET).

The objective of this training is to build capacity to utilize NASA remote sensing observations and tools to identify, assess, and manage wildland fires in North America. Topics covered include:

  1. Satellite remote sensing overview and what to expect from geospatial technologies
  2. Fire-related remote sensing platforms and products
  3. Pre-fire assessment
  4. Integration of geospatial technology in fire assessment
  5. Post-fire planning from an end-user perspective
  6. New tools and technologies such as the RECOVER decision support system
  7. Long-term fire monitoring
  8. Future research needs


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